Does loss of a spouse impact cognitive trajectory in normal controls, MCI and

   Lead Investigator:    Laura Wojtulewicz
   Institution      :    Arizona State University
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    342

Publications: 1 Woodruff B, Hentz JG, Dueck AC, Locke DE, Stonnington CM, Wojtulewicz LB, Geda YE, Caselli RJ Absence of a ^{unicode 201d}widowhood effect^{unicode 201c} on incidence of dementia in cognitively normal research subjects Abstract Alzheimers Dement,10:P617-618,2014,
2 Woodruff B, Hentz JG, Dueck AC, Locke DE, Stonnington CM, Wojtulewicz LB, Geda YE, Caselli RJ Paradoxical impact of widowhood on incidence of dementia in subjects with Mild Cognitive Impairment Abstract Alzheimers Dement,10:P617,2014,

Proposal Description: